Dock & Tank Reactivation

SPEC provided project development, engineering, permitting, drafting, procurement, and construction support for the reactivation of an existing terminal dock and tank damaged during past flooding. SPEC’s role included assisting in the definition of the overall project scope, permitting, rehabilitation of the dock unloading system, design of a new dock manifold and platform, design of new piping to tanks, installation of new pipe supports, manifolds, rehabilitation of existing idled tank into a new product, and installation of new piping to the load rack.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Permitting, Procurement Support, Construction Management

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southeast, USA

Pipeline Asset Separation

SPEC provided project development, engineering, permitting, drafting, procurement, and construction support for the separation of a client’s assets from those sold to a 3rd party pipeline company. SPEC’s role included assisting in the definition of the overall project scope, permitting, modification of existing pipelines and equipment, design of multiple new meter and pressure protection manifolds, and the installation of new electrical switch racks. SPEC’s project scope included coordination of design, drawings, and construction across three sites.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Permitting, Procurement Support, Construction Management

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southeast, USA

New Meter Skid & Pipeline Connection

SPEC provided project development, engineering, permitting, drafting, procurement, and construction support for the installation of a new meter skid system and a three-quarter mile pipeline from a 3rd party to the client at a distribution terminal. SPEC’s role included assisting in the definition of the overall project scope, permitting, conversion of swamp land into a temporary island for directional drilling of a new pipeline, design of a new meter skid and prover system, installation of a new control building, and installation of a new gas chromatograph building. SPEC designed a new meter skid and pipeline to allow for installation in swamp land and to handle potential future flooding.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Permitting, Fire Protection, Procurement Support, Construction Management

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southeast, USA

Pipeline Meter Site Drawing Creation

SPEC provided drafting support for the creation of new P&IDs and updating existing mechanical drawings for a Client’s multiple feed pipeline meter site within their Refinery limits.  The Client’s existing drawings were outdated with incorrect information causing confusion within the Client’s operational group and engineers on product flow path and the existing systems at site.  SPEC used a field visit for drawing redlines, equipment information, and field dimensions to create new P&IDs and updated mechanical drawings for operational usage and clarity.

Services Provided: Drafting

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southwestern, USA


Terminal Pipeline Manifold Station Upgrade

SPEC provided engineering, drafting, procurement, and construction support for a refined products terminal pipeline manifold station upgrade. SPEC’s scope included evaluating and upgrading the existing terminal pipeline manifold station meters, surge relief system, general station piping, prover, instrumentation, pipe supports, tank supply manifold, etc. to be able to handle the new supply pipeline flowrates.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Procurement Support, Construction Management

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southwest, USA

Resin Production Relocation

SPEC provided engineering, procurement, and construction support for the relocation of a specialty oil field resin production process to another plant building. SPEC lead the relocation of the process and updated the design to include five new tanks, new pumps, truck loading rack upgrades, steam tracing, electric heat tracing, insulation, instrumentation, control upgrades and reactor modifications.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Safety, Procurement Support, Construction Management

Client: Major Chemicals Company

Project Location: Northeast, USA

Pipeline Trap Stress Analysis

SPEC provided engineering support for the pipe stress analysis of a Client planned modification to an existing pipeline trap.  The project scope included evaluated the Client designed trap modification for adequate supports to prevent over-stress during hydrotest, over-pressure, hurricane, and low and high temperature conditions. SPEC’s analysis allowed for the stress analysis verification of the planned trap upgrade.

Services Provided: Civil/Structural Engineering, Design and Drafting

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southwest, USA

Terminal Expansion

SPEC provided support for the expansion of the infrastructure at a recently purchased terminal to increase connectivity between various refinery tank farms and to provide additional capacity to blend stock components and move finished products.  The scope of work included definition of the overall project, verifying the existing piping and equipment on the site, permitting, performing system hydraulics to size (11) new pumps and (3) small volume provers, construction of (4) new 150 KB storage tanks complete with butane and gasoline blending equipment, associated tank containment dikes, the addition of over (3) miles of new internal terminal pipelines, expansion of a large central manifold, two sets of directional drilled pipelines under canals, additions of various tie-ins and cross-connects, and electrical upgrades.  SPEC used a portable laser scanner to quickly provide the client with 3D models of the site layout.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Scanning and 3D Modeling, Permitting, Safety, Fire Protection, Procurement Support, Construction Management.

Services included overall project management, mechanical, civil, and electrical design of the terminal expansion, and procurement support including equipment specification, bid analysis, and tracking of over 240 automated and manual valves.

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Midwest, USA

Asphalt Production Plant Expansion & Modernization

SPEC provided engineering, design and permitting services for a major asphalt production plant upgrade project. The facility housed a smaller inefficient asphalt plant. The plant was upgraded with modern and environmentally friendly equipment while increasing the production throughput capacity. SPEC designed the site layout and stormwater retention pond system to meet stringent “hot-spot” requirements on a size and topographically restricted site. Additional project constraints included maintaining existing office buildings and providing access for large delivery vehicles and loading equipment. SPEC was able to utilize redevelopment practices to minimize the impacts of the proposed site and intended use. SPEC provided the designs for large vertical tank foundations and their containments, and all major equipment foundations. Permitting with local municipality, state and federal regulators was included in SPEC’s scope.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Civil/Structural Engineering, Design & Drafting, Permitting.

Client: Minerals, Mining, and Construction Materials Corporation

Project Location: Northeast, USA

Crude Pipeline Debottleneck Project

SPEC provided support for the installation and design of a new custody transfer meter skid to handle the increased throughput from a 3rd Party pipeline into our Client’s Refinery.  SPEC assisted in the definition of the overall project scope, cost estimation, project scheduling, procurement support, design of a new meter skid system (i.e. Coriolis meters, flow control valve, manual valves, stairs and platform for valves, small volume prover, relief devices, drain line, etc.), the design of a new sample building, meter skid, and platform foundations, construction support, hydraulic and surge analysis, and installation of new instrumentation, electrical rack, terminal strips, power/communications wiring and conduit, and I/O cards.  SPEC’s design allowed for the installation of the new meter skid while limiting the downtime of the pipeline into the Refinery.

Services Provided: Project Management and Design, Process Engineering, Civil/Structural Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation and Controls, Mechanical Engineering, Design and Drafting, Scanning and 3D Modeling, Procurement Support, Construction Management.

Client: Major Oil Company

Project Location: Southwest, USA